/* =========================================================== * jquery-label_better.js v1.1 * =========================================================== * Copyright 2013 Pete Rojwongsuriya. * http://www.thepetedesign.com * * Label your form input like a boss with * beautiful animation and without taking up space * * https://github.com/peachananr/label_better * * ========================================================== */ !function($){ var defaults = { position: "top", animationTime: 500, easing: "ease-in-out", offset: 20, hidePlaceholderOnFocus: true }; $.fn.animateLabel = function(settings, btn) { var position = btn.data("position") || settings.position, posx = 0, posy = 0; $(this).css({ "left": "auto", "right": "auto", "position": "absolute", "-webkit-transition": "all " + settings.animationTime + "ms " + settings.easing, "-moz-transition": "all " + settings.animationTime + "ms " + settings.easing, "-ms-transition": "all " + settings.animationTime + "ms " + settings.easing, "transition": "all " + settings.animationTime + "ms " + settings.easing }); switch (position) { case 'top': posx = 0; posy = ($(this).height() + settings.offset) * -1; $(this).css({ "top": "0", "opacity": "1", "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + ", " + posy + "px, 0)", "-moz-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + ", " + posy + "px, 0)", "-ms-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + ", " + posy + "px, 0)", "transform": "translate3d(" + posx + ", " + posy + "px, 0)" }); break; case 'bottom': posx = 0; posy = ($(this).height() + settings.offset); $(this).css({ "bottom": "0", "opacity": "1", "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + ", " + posy + "px, 0)", "-moz-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + ", " + posy + "px, 0)", "-ms-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + ", " + posy + "px, 0)", "transform": "translate3d(" + posx + ", " + posy + "px, 0)" }); break; case 'left': posx = ($(this).width() + settings.offset) * -1; posy = 0; $(this).css({ "left": 0, "top": 0, "opacity": "1", "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + "px, " + posy + "px, 0)", "-moz-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + "px, " + posy + "px, 0)", "-ms-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + "px, " + posy + "px, 0)", "transform": "translate3d(" + posx + "px, " + posy + "px, 0)" }); break; case 'right': posx = $(this).width() + settings.offset; posy = 0; $(this).css({ "right": 0, "top": 0, "opacity": "1", "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + "px, " + posy + "px, 0)", "-moz-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + "px, " + posy + "px, 0)", "-ms-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + "px, " + posy + "px, 0)", "transform": "translate3d(" + posx + "px, " + posy + "px, 0)" }); break; } } $.fn.removeAnimate = function(settings, btn) { var position = btn.data("position") || settings.position, posx = 0, posy = 0; $(this).css({ "top": "0", "opacity": "0", "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + ", " + posy + "px, 0)", "-moz-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + ", " + posy + "px, 0)", "-ms-transform": "translate3d(" + posx + ", " + posy + "px, 0)", "transform": "translate3d(" + posx + ", " + posy + "px, 0)" }); } $.fn.label_better = function(options){ var settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options), el = $(this), triggerIn = "focus", triggerOut = "blur"; if(settings.easing == "bounce") settings.easing = "cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.420, 1.310)" el.each(function( index, value ) { var btn = $(this), position = btn.data("position") || settings.position; btn.wrapAll("
") if( btn.val().length > 0) { var text = btn.data("new-placeholder") || btn.attr("placeholder"); $("
"+ text + "
").css("opacity", "0").insertAfter(btn).animateLabel(settings, btn); } btn.bind(triggerIn, function() { if(btn.val().length < 1) { var text = btn.data("new-placeholder") || btn.attr("placeholder"), position = btn.data("position") || settings.position; $("
"+ text + "
").css("opacity", "0").insertAfter(btn).animateLabel(settings, btn); } if (settings.hidePlaceholderOnFocus == true) { btn.data("default-placeholder", btn.attr("placeholder")) btn.attr("placeholder", "") } btn.parent().find(".lb_label").addClass("active"); }).bind(triggerOut, function() { if(btn.val().length < 1) { btn.parent().find(".lb_label").bind("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd", function(){ $(this).remove(); }).removeAnimate(settings, btn) } if (settings.hidePlaceholderOnFocus == true) { btn.attr("placeholder", btn.data("default-placeholder")) btn.data("default-placeholder", "") } btn.parent().find(".lb_label").removeClass("active"); }); }); } }(window.jQuery);